The Perfect Storm
When I almost lost faith in my chances of capturing a nice lightning this year, the perfect storm occured: dry (barely a few raindrops), almost no wind, medium-high clouds clearly separated from the atmosphere below; most likely, a cyclone that barely touched the city with its outer edge, all is internal turmoil - heavy rain, strong winds, low clouds etc. - happening somewhere a few km away. The whole thing lasted for no more than 45 minutes, time enough for three clear shots which I eventually stacked (Tamron 17-50 mounted on a Canon 77D, 30" exposure, f/4, 23 mm [...]
The first comet I ever got on camera. My first try on this one, as well - I'll try getting a few more shots these days nights, provided the clouds show some mercy. July 27th update: two more shots, just before it gets out of reach (it's already fading away, the core barely visible with the naked eye). See you again in 6800 years, dear!
Cea mai Perseida din 2018
Au fost mai multe (desi nu foarte multe), dar asta m-a bulversat atat de mult incat am cerut o parere de la European Space Agency, ca sa fiu sigur ca n-am visat. Raspunsul a fost: cel mai probabil e vorba de un persistent train, adica urma luminoasa produsa de un meteor mai marisor prin ionizarea particulelor din atmosfera. "I would say you were very lucky to photograph it", si-a incheiat mesajul expertul care mi-a raspuns, unul dintre cei care conduc programul Space Situation Awareness (cel prin care ESA studiaza obiectele potential periculoase care ar putea cadea pe Pamant). Si [...]
Lightning Shows
In materie de fotografie, am doi pitici principali: imaginile nocturne si fulgerele. Ultima isprava legata de al doilea pitic mi-a adus aminte ca mai aveam intr-un folder niste imagini care asteptau (unele de cativa ani) sa le prelucrez si altfel decat individual. Adica stacked, in asa fel incat sa se poata vedea intregul "festival" de fulgere din timpul unei furtuni sau a alteia. Si iaca ce-a iesit:
Sparks in the sky
#lucky and #proud