7 08, 2020

Thanks, Beirut!

2020-08-08T01:00:00+03:007 August 2020|Categories: GANDURI|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The bright side (no pun intended) of the Beirut explosion is that it compelled the tv/radio/online media to stop at last talking exclusively about that stupid virus (stupid it might be, but not as stupid as the aforementioned journalists anyway). Yes, there's much life (and death) beyond this flu on steroids - yes, just a flu - that turned the world into a global prison. And that's enough reason to love this city twice as much. I fell in love with it the moment I started walking its streets a few years ago. Now it hurts me to see [...]

26 02, 2016

Un pic de CSR adevarat facem si noi?

2017-06-08T00:04:54+03:0026 February 2016|Categories: GANDURI|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Smiorcaiala pe care inteleg ca a prestat-o recent pastorul-buzita ca, vai, trebuie sa-si mute latrina in alta cladire si, vai, asta costa nu-stiu-cat si, vai, dragi telespectatori, va rugam sa va uitati si la reclame, i s-a intors peste fata ca bucile lu' dom' profesor pe care a uitat, timp de o secunda, sa le mai tina desfacute cu mainile. Pentru ca unor oameni isteti li s-a aprins in minte un beculet: "ia stai asa! da' de fapt cine isi face reclama la postul ala care varsa de ani de zile doar dejectii in audiovizual?". Urmatorul pas logic dupa aprinderea [...]

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